Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Surviving Winter

"There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather!"
"Just poor clothing, poor circulation, and a poor attitude!"

This is an extension of the previous article, "Surviving Summer". You need to read it also. That is if you want to survive. You can see the 7 last plagues coming right down on us. The first one is sickness and disease. Second, the ocean starts to die. Third, the rivers begin to die. Fourth, men will be scorched with great heat. Then comes the darkness and cold. Then more extreme weather, great hail stones. Then the worldwide earthquake.
To begin with, right now, just to survive the pollution in the water and the food chain, you need optimum fresh air and sunshine. The first thing all patients need is fresh air.
The northern latitudes have the highest cancer rate. My father lived exactly in the middle of Montana, which has the highest cancer rate of all the 50 states. He died in 2003 at the age of 68 from skin cancer that had moved into his brain. This was unexpected because, not only was he a great athlete, and never smoked or drank, his ancestors especially on his mother's side all lived to nearly 100. In fact my grandmother died 3 years later at 93.
To begin to analyze this we need to go way back and try to understand the history of the human race.
Before Noah's flood, we lived to 800 or so. Why do you suppose that is? The Bible says that in the beginning there were two lights. Did you know that most solar systems are two sun systems? Some are 3 or 4, so I've heard. There was more light, but it was filtered. Creation scientists estimate that the vapor barrier that enveloped the globe was 11 miles thick. They also say that there were 3 atmospheres of pressure, which caused everything to be much more oxygenated. This was the only way some of those huge dinosaurs could have lived. You get the picture, more light, more oxygen, these are the first two laws of health.
Now this brings me back to my subject. People in the northern latitudes suffer more cancer cases obviously due to the lack of light, but why, more than they did, say 100 years ago? This would be evident I think, even disregarding the pollution factor.
The answer is in the previous article just mentioned. The average American now spends 90% of their time inside.
So, here is the real question. What is the best way to get sunlight in the winter? Obviously, people in the north suffer from light deprivation, especially during those short days. You might be surprised to learn that winter is the best time to soak up the sun. You are probably wondering what I'm talking about.
I'm about as pale faced as they come. Red hair and blue eyes. The summer sun is brutal. I was past 40 when I finally found out how to keep a tan. I used to spend all summer every year getting sunburned. There is a lot to know about this.
It all begins with knowing how to dress, and of all things, how to bathe. I start early in the spring to retrieve my tan, by dressing right. I saw an actual photograph once of native Nez Perce bucks with their deerskin leggings, no shirts, and snow on the ground, and their headdresses on. If you keep your head and your feet warm, you'll be warm. If I don't get out early in the spring, it gets too hot and I get burned before I get tanned. You know what happens on the first hot weekend. Everyone heads for camp and the beach so they can get fried in spite of their sunscreen. Later in the summer when it's really hot, I try to stay in the shade. I still take an occasional sun bath though in my shorts during the summer, to try and get a complete even tan. I never get sun burned more than a little sensation, enough to turn into more tan. Like I said in the previous article, most people only get sun on their ears, nose, back of the neck and forearms. Then they don't tan, they just turn red.
Now, back to the question, "How do you get sun in the winter?"
Like I just said, before the flood it was warm and cloudy and bright. They never saw the bare naked sun. Even at night when there was just the lesser light there was a lot of energy everywhere. Reflected light is just as beneficial and more than safe, and there's a lot more to light than we can know. It's not just the heat and the light, it's the energy, the electricity, and the elements, and other properties, all of which none of us completely understand.
I want to tell you how to be a healthy sun collector and absorber, instead of a sick cave dweller, hiding from the sun everyday.
#1. The first single most important thing you can do for your health is, sleep outside! Especially if you work inside. "Artificial heat destroys the vitality of the air." E.G.W. Over 100 years ago.
The worst thing you can do is sleep by the heater. Open the windows, get some cross ventilation. If you're sick, stuff yourself in as many blankets as you can find and stick your head out the window! Millions of patients have died needlessly, when they would have lived if they could have had air. "The best indoor air is worse than the worst outside air in Los Angeles on a smoggy day." The energy, the vitality, and the elements of sunlight are outside, some more so at night.
#2. Dress to be outside. In the northern climes, you want to always be warm and comfortable. When you come inside you want to be choking for fresh air and heading back out. In other words if you are always looking for a heater because you are cold, something is wrong. If you have poor circulation like I do, you have to over dress. I ruined my circulation when I was young, trying to be the tough guy. You see this with the school kids all the time. They have to go to school half naked in the middle of winter so that no one will think they are a sissy. Remember, cold of a short duration stimulates your circulation. Over exposure to cold for a long duration can permanently damage your circulatory system's performance.
#3. Wear pure wool. God says to wear pure unadulterated wool. The Bible has the answer to everything. Look how the animals survive with their fur. Wool collects light and electricity, and conducts it to your skin. It also conditions your skin and allows it to breath freely. Cotton is dead and dark, blocking out all the light. I see people all the time that are all bundled up in cotton coats and sweats. They look like they can't keep warm. No matter how much they have on they seem to be shivering in the dark. The rescue experts will all tell you that you will most likely survive lost in the wilderness or whatever if you are wearing wool. If cotton gets wet you are in trouble. This is the best way to get light. You might say filtered light. Instead of the brutal summer sun.
In the old times this wasn't so critical because most people spent most of their time outside.
I like to wear pure wool sweaters. If it's real cold I'll have three of them on. It works great. The more sweaters I have on, the more I feel like I'm collecting more light. Even when you go inside you are still reaping the benefits of the outdoor elements.
Once the cold weather comes in the fall, I can't stand to wear anything else. Then I rotate them. I have certain ones I like to wear to bed, others for when I get out of the bath, and of course those for work. I hang some of them outside to air out. This reduces the laundry considerably. Wool has a natural magic way of cleaning itself, and your skin. I would like to have one of those 2 inch thick Australian wool mattress pads. They are supposed to help arthritis. It's like getting light at night.
The colder it is the more it stimulates my circulation. No matter how bad the weather is, I come in sweating, warm and toasty. I have to stay out and work long enough to get my blood going though.
This is what everyone needs, to get out and deal with it everyday, hot or cold. The extreme heat and cold purges your system. This is so important, and it may only require an hour or two a day.