Sunday, May 30, 2010

6 th Law of Health

"Eat for Strength not for Drunkenness"
Proper Diet

Let's review the laws of health again. In previous articles I have written about, 1 - fresh air, 2 - sunlight, 3 - rest, 4 - exercise, 5 - abstemiousness, 6 - proper diet, 7 - proper use of water, 8 - trust in divine power(attitude).

When it comes to diet we think of 7 primary objectives. Durability, stamina, longevity, performance, metabolism, assimilation, elimination. Of course we want to remember that all the other laws of health affect these also.

Question: How do you eat for drunkenness? Remember the three major battles? The war against - laziness, drunkenness, and ignorance. "Laziness is most or our sin, the rest is drunkenness, and it's all ignorance." Drunkenness could be any kind of indulgence. If it is for self gratification, if your "god is your belly." If you live to eat, rather than eat to live. Also, drunkenness is living for today, not caring about tomorrow. "Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." In other words the drunk and the glutton aren't much different. More people have dug an early grave with a fork and a spoon than anything else.

T I M I N G :

I really want to try and emphasize how important this information is for children growing up. Everyone should know, babies need nutrition, children need nutrition, young people, they all need nutrition during their formative years. Everyone can see, also, that many aren't getting it. A lot of them almost never get a square meal. Usually because there's no one at home to cook. This is why it's so important, regardless of your situation, to practice good timing. The cardinal sin around our place has always been, SNACKING. It takes 5 to 6 hours to digest food properly. Now everyone is brainwashed to think kids have to have snacks (All with vitamins added.) to get nutrition. The worst thing is, the snacks usually amount to so much junk. Juice, sugar, carbs, vitamin drinks, junk. The best snack would be sunflower seeds, walnuts, or jerky. So, they are growing up learning they can eat anything, anytime, anywhere. Not allowing the proper time between meals is probably the biggest contributer to obesity. You can see the obvious consequence of it everywhere, especially anyone under 35 or so. Unfit, obese, bad teeth, bad eyes, poor bones, etc. Also, sugarholics are inclined to become alcoholics, and diabetics. They say diabetes has increased something like tenfold in the last 10 years in the US.

The other part of timing is, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy wealthy and wise." Benjamin Franklin. That was over 200 years ago. It's really just common sense. Actually there is growing proof that it's true, with modern data and statistics. The earlier you go to bed, the earlier you get up, and the earlier you eat breakfast, the better off you'll be. Eating at night is an easy trap to get into. Pretty soon you don't feel like eating breakfast at all. Out at logging camp, we used to get up at 4 am. Breakfast would be in the cook shack before daylight. We would get out to where we left off the day before, and wait for it to get light enough to work. The earlier you get to work the more you get done before you get tired. If you start in the afternoon, for example, you're tired already because you're closer to the end of the day.

So, this is the first principle of diet. Timing.

What do you suppose is the next priority? You might be surprised. This is it. "Eat your food, don't drink it." "Milk is for babies." "Juice is for winos." "Smoothies are for people that are too young or too old to chew their food." "Hot drinks are debilitating." "Caffeine is a drug." Soda is addicting and devastating. If you ever eat out you will notice 99% of everyone drinks pop with there meal. Now they know, though it's uncommon knowledge, this is one of the things that's pulling the substance out of our bones.

Again, regardless of your situation, you can practice this rule. The more you have to chew your food, the better. Digestion starts in the mouth. I do what the old timers did. I save good bread and toast it and dry it. This was a matter of survival then, since they didn't have preservatives, or the grocery store a block away or whatever. You've heard of the hardtack they had on the ships and for the soldiers. Obviously it's good for your teeth also, to sink them into something real, like an apple or toast, preferably with some charcoal once in a while. This is one of the ways you improve your assimilation of different nutrients too, raw, cooked, re-cooked, and burned. Try to avoid burned grease though, they say it is carcinogenic. Fried food is bad anyway.

What's next? Again you might be surprised. Here it is. "Avoid too rich of a diet." I know this is hard to understand, especially when we are trying to get better nutrition. Look again at the list of objectives. You're liquid diet and concentrated fat, protein, and sugar, will give you a higher metabolism and short quick performance, but that's about it. The other 5 goals are in the negative. Here's a simple illustration. Horses are designed to consume mostly fiber. That is why they chew up the wood fences when they are confined. People are always wanting to give them grain, thinking that it's good for them and will make them warm. Neither are true. What keeps horses warm is; having enough fiber working in their gut. Grain is like candy to horses, they go crazy over it, and it will kill them if they get into the bin. We only give them whole oats (higher protein and less carbs than other grain.) when we are working them. Giving horses grain to fatten them up would be like giving some scrawny old person candy all the time. It might make them fat, but it would make them sick. This goes along with what a lot of doctors and nutritionists have been saying. "Avoid processed food." Eat real food and drink water. This is the best prescription for just about everything. If you are like me you find yourself getting into all kinds of junk. I find I have to eat a little of everything. (Sanctified by the Word that is.) I think this helps me to get a more complete range of nutrition. Here's the secret though; "The solution to pollution is dilution." Also, "The more junk you eat, the more fiber you need." and "Sugar needs to be slowed down." The worst thing that I see so many people do, is eat and\or drink straight sugar.
Now I better talk a little about clean vs. unclean. Do you think God had a good reason for telling us not to eat all those dirty scavengers high on the food chain? I have often thought of writing a paper, "100 reasons not to eat pork." Here's the first reason, it's enough, God says it is an abomination to Him. Do you know what that means? It means it is hateful and detestable to Him. Isn't that enough? I don't think He changed His mind about it. Yes, I know about the verses in the New Testament that are misinterpreted to make Him into a liar. Like a lot of things there, they are symbolic in different ways. Nothing to do with eating, and certainly they do not contradict God's Laws.

This is another reason though, not to eat pork. It is the richest and the most stimulating.

E A T R I G H T :

We've talked about when to eat, what to eat, and what not to eat. Now I want to tell you how to eat. If you've made it this far I'm sure you realize you are "...dying for lack of knowledge.", and you are ready to admit you don't know how to eat!!! Even if you have your grave half dug, you can still get on track and overcome the fork and the spoon!

I've already alluded to the fact, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you, to chew your food. Like anything else, there's a lot to know. I also mentioned, "eat your food, don't drink it." This goes along with what I am saying here. "Don't wash your food down." "Digestion begins in the mouth." "Besides being a bad habit, drinking water with your food is bad manners." This is another common sense observation that has been known for thousands of years. Believe it or not, this used to be taught in public schools, just 60 or 70 years ago. This also goes along with the critical need for nutrition. When your eating, especially growing children, you need food to eat. If kids especially, drink a bunch of water while they are eating, not only are they diluting a lot of their saliva, but they will be hungry before the next meal. The only thing worse than this is drinking juice first, which will kill their appetite. Also, you will have better stamina and endurance, and capacity when you eat when it's time to eat, and drink when you are good and thirsty. This is also very important for preventing certain types of illness. If your stomach is working right, the chemistry there will kill or neutralize most pathogens. For example, if you are ever in the wilderness and you have to drink out of a creek, (or die of thirst), make sure you are good and thirsty. By then the juices in your stomach are just about like battery acid. Then drink slowly and not too much. This is another reason not to eat too fast. Your stomach functions properly at 100 degrees. You definitely do not want to gulp down cold food and cold drinks. You should have "... a good hot meal at least once a day." This is also another reason for not snacking, don't eat unless you are actually hungry, and your stomach is ready. Why am I the only one telling you this?

It's kind of a hard habit to break for some. What we do when the little ones are here, is give them a drink of plain soy milk. This will usually satisfy them, until you can wean them from it. "Milk is for babies." However soy milk is not a substitute, only a compliment.

Mind your manners. Don't get excited. Take your time, enjoy your meal and your company. Seems like every time I have to eat in town, which is fortunately a rare occasion anymore. I always see someone hogging down their food like it was their whole life, there face in their plate, too busy to even visit, and of course they are wearing the usual stupid duckbill hat that's glued to their head, and the ubiquitous pot belly to go with it. Manners might seem silly sometimes, but lack of these will affect your health, your digestion (acid reflux), your breath, your teeth, etc., and often produce gas. Flatulence is simply a product of undigested protein. Digestion starts in the mouth and follows all the way through. It's easy for it to malfunction along the line if things get out of order.


I was reading about Lewis and Clark and their expedition in 1804 - 1806. It was the most remarkable venture ever accomplished. The reason they are not more famous is because they never killed or captured anyone. They all made it back in good health. They were smart enough to know they needed greens. They wrote about gathering greens along the way. This was probably the real secret to their success. I find it so amazing that people were so ignorant during the dark ages, that the sailors would suffer and die from scurvy, when all they needed was some fresh produce. It wasn't until the mid 1700's that Captain Cook sailed around the world without losing a single man. He found out all they needed was sauerkraut, and they would get fresh food wherever they stopped. When Magellan sailed around the world only 18 men survived of the 237 that started. He died also. Of course we don't need greens, we have vitamins and and vitamin scientists! In spite of all of our great technology, sometimes it seems like we are going back into the dark ages. Like that great city Nineveh, where "... more than 120,000 people didn't know their left hand from their right." What good is our technology if we don't know right from wrong? "Knowledge without faith is dangerous."

What do you think happens if you only eat greasy junk food, fried chicken, and ice cream? Then sit on the couch and drink pop and watch TV? It's good to eat some of everything, but you can make up for a multitude of sins just by eating good fiber with every meal, and fresh vegetables for dessert. Greens, especially fresh, provide real available calcium, and enzymes that help digestion, and vitamin B-12, and a host of other things we don't know. Sauerkraut can be a real lifesaver, especially in the winter. Fresh cabbage is my favorite. They say cruciferous vegetables are the best.


These are laws of science, laws of Nature, Laws of God. The plain simple cold hard facts of life. There's no escape. You break the Law, you suffer the result. We should be so thankful that God made everything perfect and He has given us this information. We should not "....ruin our lives with our own foolishness, (Lawlessness), and then blame God." Proverbs 19 : 03. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God (Law)." Psalms 14 : 01.

This is personal stewardship. Why be careless, without self control? The problem is, "Suicidal people are never content with their own destruction." No man is an island. Children grow up like their parents. "Bad habits are cool, is a lie." "Good food is intolerable, is a lie." "Your taste needs to be educated, like anything else." "It's hard to overcome the consequences of what you never learned when you were young." Is it OK to be careless and irresponsible, even if you don't have children? I don't think so. No one else in their right mind would think so either.

So, the war goes on, the battle against sin and ignorance. "Only dead fish roll with the flow." Just remember, "Satan yields to uphill traffic."

At last, don't forget the 8th law. We are all hopelessly sick and lost. Only a miracle can save us. You can spend your whole life, like I have, studying, and learning about anything and everything to do with health, and we are still going to die! "No matter how I struggle and strive, I'll never get out of this world alive." How can I tell you about health when I am sick? How can the preacher inform you of sin, when he is full of it? How could David write the Psalms that are full of prophecy, poetry, and wisdom, when he failed so many times? How could Ellen White be a true prophet when she was imperfect, human like the rest of us? Although she has stood the test of time and the critics, just as the Bible has.

We are talking about stewardship, RIGHTEOUSNESS by faith, not careless ignorance and unrighteousness excused by grace. God's grace covers anything and everything, but it does not excuse it or condone it. The Bible says, " be perfect as God is perfect." That means make an effort, even though we know we will never be perfect, until we know everything He does! Even though we know we are not saved by our own efforts. "No one will be saved by their good works, no one will be saved without them."

"I wish above all things, that you should prosper and be in good health." 3 John 2.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

II Thessalonians 2 : 10 & 11

Open the Book
Words and music - M. St. Germain - 2002

Do you love the Truth?
Do you hate a lie?
Do you know the difference?
Can you tell me why?

It seems right to me.
It may seem right to you.
Everyone does it.
What does it prove?

He made the world.
And He gave us His Word.
He knows what works.
Is it too hard to learn?

Open the Book.
Take a good look.

Do you know the Son?
Who came to die?
Do you know the One?
Who cannot lie?

He did the will.
Of His Father above.
He came to show.
What is true Love.

He kept the faith.
Of the prophets of old.
He's our example.
So we've been told.

Open the Book.
Take a good look.

Can you see the light?
Shining through His Word?
The Truth is as sharp.
As a two edged sword.

Don't be confused.
With excuses men make.
The message is clear.
Make the way straight.

Don't be deceived!
He is coming again!
Beware of pretenders!
Using His Name!

Open the Book.
Take a good look.

If you love not the Truth.
You'll believe a lie.
The counterfeit is hard.
To recognize.

Sugar is sweet.
So is candy they say.
But straight is the gate.
And narrow the way.

So study His Word.
And learn all you can.
This is the answer.
To follow God's plan.

Open the Book.
Take a good look.

Wait till you here the music.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Laws of health - Laws of Nature

The Call of the Wild
"The voice of one crying in the wilderness." What's wrong with Natural?

Do you know the last verse of the Old Testament? "....before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, I will send the prophet Elijah." Do you remember in Luke 1 : 17, before John the Baptist was born, it was prophesied that he would come " the Spirit and Power of make ready a people, prepared for the Lord"?

I'm sure most would agree that "...the great and dreadful day of the Lord." is the second coming. To me, that makes this prophecy more significant today, than it was at the first.

What was the Spirit and Power of Elijah? It's the Strait Testimony against false worship, given again, of course, in Revelation.

Just what is this false worship? 666, six is man's number, 3 and 7 are God's. 666 is man in place of God. We worship ourselves. "God made man upright, but he has sought out many inventions." Eccl. 7 : 29. Obviously we are farther now, with all of our great man made religion, than we have ever been, from Natural.

So, now, you will not be surprised when I tell you that the Aborigines had more true religion than any of us. They lived in the wilderness in complete harmony, without any possessions or tools, plum naked! Their only tool was a fire, they didn't even have a knife. They could sleep outside naked, bedded down like animals, generating heat while they slept. Believe it or not, many of them have decided to become extinct, rather than live in an artificial violent world. "Civilized is just another word for un-natural." Some speculate this is what God's people were doing before the flood when "...the earth was filled with violence." That is why only one family went into the ark, and that only because of one man, who commanded his family after him, Noah.

What was so special about John the Baptist?

To begin with, he was a Nazarite, like Samson, Samuel, Jesus, Paul, and many others. Eventually there were whole tribes of Nazarites. What was so special about the Nazarites? They were STRONG. They were men of principle and self control. They were to be, mentally, physically, and spiritually strong.

Do you know the Nazarite prescription for health and strength, given by God? It was usually given at conception, so it applied to the mother also. Essentially it amounted to; eat real food and drink water. No alcohol, no juice, no fruit from the vine, no unclean animals. This shows how critical it is to learn these things when you're growing up. When you came of age, you could give up the Nazarite oath, cut your hair, and know that there were certain exceptions to the rules. By then you were developed and had learned good habits of eating and drinking. Can you imagine kids growing up, thinking they can eat or drink anything anytime, anywhere? After that anything goes. Crackheads are made not born!

Thanks to his Nazarite vow, John was "....not just another reed shaken in the wind." He lived in the wilderness, he ate a simple "clean" diet, and wore plain simple clothes. In fact he dressed in the old fashioned style of Elijah.

Then, of course, you know he was a fearless preacher of righteousness, not afraid to speak the truth.

What do you think about these "last days"? Will God have a people prepared? Who will deliver this message? Who is the "Voice Crying in the Wilderness" today? Will Elijah actually come back? Maybe, but I don't think so. Jesus said, "...if you are willing to accept it, John is Elijah come back." In other words, it's the Elijah message that comes around. God will have the Elijah messengers and the Elijah message in the "last days", to prepare those who are not afraid to worship (respect) Him as the creator of all. Revelation 14 : 07. I believe they are the 144,000.

Satan always has a counterfeit for everything. What do you suppose is the opposite of this kind of discipleship instituted by God, and also with Jesus and His disciples? If you just look around you see it everywhere. Instead of discipline and hard work, you see the lazy feel good religion all over. "Prosperity produces a mass of professors." People are as the Bible said they would be, "...lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God."

Isn't this the ultimate challenge? Not to be bent by "...every wind of doctrine."? Not to be afraid to stand alone? Doesn't it seem like we've come to the time when most "...will not ENDURE sound doctrine."?

What can we do? Where do we start? The answer is in the rest of that last verse of the Old Testament. "....he (the prophet) shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers..." This is talking about a revival. A revival that's based on training the next generation through the enlightenment of their parents. It's based on truth and discipline and work, not emotions, sensationalism, and selfish gratification.

It all begins with learning and teaching what is natural. Man in place of God is for the most part, artificial instead of natural. This brings us to the 2nd Commandment, which is part of the First and Greatest Commandment, to always put God first. Why do you suppose God said not to make any images, any likeness of anything He has made? The only picture He ever gave us of Himself, is the Ten Commandments. Jesus was that Word made flesh! He has no respect for our inventions. Is it natural to mutilate and desecrate our bodies? I've never seen a tattoo or a piercing that didn't look like artificial man made crap. At the same time this kind of idolatry runs rampant with the back to nature, earth muffin, environmental types. They want everyone to believe that they will be responsible for the environment, and society, without morals!

Why are we so afraid to be really natural? Why are we afraid of the wilderness? Are we afraid of a simple healthful diet? How about the old fashioned healthy style of dress? This is why I have said before, the Amish are the greatest witness in the earth. Everyone complains about our artificial life and all it's impossible problems, but we would never dream of being like the Amish. The fact is we all want to sit on our ass and just push the accelerator, make lots of money, and avoid any real labor. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "The problem with the world is; no one wants to be a subsistence farmer, and they don't want anyone else to have to be a subsistence farmer!"

Now I'm getting to the real heart of the matter. Addictions. Essentially true religion can be summed up in one verse. "Whatsoever God has joined together, let no man separate." The fossil fuels that are buried, some of them miles under the surface at the time of the flood, should for the most part have been left there. Mankind has been joined together from the beginning by marriage, family, church, school, and work. No one has successfully escaped the weekly cycle, even if it's sitting on the couch every Sunday, drinking beer and watching football. You may as well try to escape being human. In other words the heathen culture all around us cannot even escape. The real truth is; God's Commandments are about working and functioning seven days a week. Some are just too lazy and selfish and careless to gather together and worship together.

You might be surprised to know that, sugar, juice, vitamins, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, meth, whatever, are just elements that have been separated and isolated. You might notice the progressive order here, going from bad to dangerous. Why do you suppose, juice is worse than sugar? Sugar is a reasonable facsimile of honey. Nazarites were not to drink juice, but they ate a little honey. Samson ate honey, John the Baptist ate wild honey and locust beans, what they now call St. John's bread. Jesus, it says, ate curds and honey. Why is a little honey good, but juice bad? Sugar is glucose and sucrose, half carbohydrate and half sugars. Honey is the same. However most of you know honey contains a multitude of other micro elements. Raw honey even contains adrenalin from the bees! Juice however, is more fructose which is an even simpler form of sugar, which of course lends itself more readily to making alcohol, the simplest form of sugar. In your stomach, fructose combines more easily with proteins to make alcohol. It's much better to eat vegetables with your meal, than fruit. Fruit will serve the purpose of providing enzymes needed for good digestion, you don't need much though, just enough to brush your teeth when you're done eating. Apples are the best, horses even eat apples, they are less acidic, and they contain what they call pulpable fiber, and a good type of detergent that along with their crunchiness really cleans your teeth. The only thing better is cabbage and carrots, especially if you just ate dessert with your dinner.

Now I have to write a book about vitamins. Ever since WWII they have been pumping us full of vitamins. Of course they keep discovering new vitamins and elements that the vitamins and minerals need to be absorbed and utilized. There seems to be no end. Most people still think vitamins are the solution to our depraved food supply. Now you can hardly buy anything that isn't supplemented. The big craze now is vitamin water. Vitamins are the solution and the more the better, right? I know many are going to be offended when I say, this is just another way to substitute our man made religion for what God has made. Who can possibly know how many of what kind of vitamins and elements you need. Should we pay some expert to make a wild somewhat educated guess for us? It doesn't matter, it's just that, a wild ignorant (What we know is always dwarfed by what we don't know.) guess!

Let me give you an example. They can tell all kinds of things about you with a blood test. They say that most Americans are deficient in vitamin B-12. They don't tell you though, that B-12 is on everything that's dirty. You even get it from your dirty hard working hands. We are so civilized though. We have soap. Not just soap either, a whole myriad of chemical cleaners and sterilants. See my previous article, "Less than 5 gallons, Less than 5 minutes" to learn all about the evils of soap. If you eat a certain amount of fresh food, right off the tree, or right out of the garden, like a good Indian you would not be deficient, believe me. The whole thing is, it's not just B-12. No one knows what all you're missing out on with your processed, sterilized, over cooked food. This time of year (Spring) I get Dandelions out of the yard to eat after meals when I feel like it. They are covered with a grey film. You see this on fresh fruit, about anything fresh picked.

Vitamins are not a good substitute for anything, especially good habits and a natural God given diet. The best thing we can do is grow our own food. It's a constant quest to acquire naturally grown food, do more cooking at home, and avoid processed food and drinks.

You can see from the list, the next chapter is on alcohol. I am loath to write it. From what I've written here already I think you can see the light. God didn't say, thou shalt not drink, He just gave us the example of the Nazarites. It's not natural, it's not Biblical, it dishonors God and family and society, and it's a violation of personal stewardship, and every other responsibility. Instead, I'm going to tell you how to quit!

Sure it's tough, but it's as simple as going to the wilderness! The same goes for any of the other nasty adulterated substances you might be a slave to.

The question is; do you really want to be free? If you want to experience uninhibited freedom, you have to experience the wilderness. The problem is people enjoy their addictions along with their artificial environment that supports it. You have to get away from the sights and sounds and distractions of the city. The television, the quick stop on the corner, the traffic, the noise and pollution.

The climax of the Old Testament was when God took over 1 million people out of Egypt after 250 years or so, of bondage, and sustained them in the wilderness. Most of them were unhappy and ungrateful at the first hardship. They could have went straight to the promised land, cold turkey. Instead it took 40 years to purge the heathen influence, and that wasn't long enough.

You can do it in just 40 days though! Moses (a type of Christ) fasted for 40 days alone in the wilderness before he could enter God's presence and receive His character written on stone. Jesus fasted alone in the desert for 40 days before he began his ministry. The true prophets of today (Although I haven't seen them yet.) like John the Baptist, have been pioneering the way for you.

This has been my dream for many years, to provide a wilderness experience for young people, and in the process they can learn a trade, learn how to eat real food, and drink water, and do real work.

The horses are therapeutic, the trees are therapeutic, the fresh air is therapeutic, the activity is therapeutic, the environment is therapeutic.
