Friday, June 18, 2010

Indian Prayer

Oh Great Spirit
Adapted by M. St. Germain - 06 - 18 -10

Oh Great Spirit.
Whose voice I hear in the winds.
Whose breath gives life.
To every living friend.

Can You hear me?
I am so small and weak.
It is Your strength and wisdom.
That I want to seek.

Let me walk in beauty.
And may I always see.
The red and purple sunset.
Glowing through the trees.

May my hands respect.
All Your creatures.
Let my ears be sharp to hear.
All the sounds of Nature.

Make me wise.
So that I may understand.
The things You want to teach.
Each and every man.

Let me learn the lessons.
There in every leaf and rock.
May I survive the winter.
And find Spring, without a loss.

I seek strength.
Not to be greater than my brother.
To fight my greatest enemy.
Myself, and not another.

May I always come to You.
With clean hands and straight eyes.
And a tongue.
That doesn't split and lie.

So when life fades.
As the sinking, setting sun.
My spirit may come to You.
Without shame. No matter what ever else I've done!

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